15 Aug 2011

One Man Band - Pixar =)

One Man Band was a short animated film from Pixar released at the year 2005. The short film set place in Italian city square in the afternoon. Two musician is competing each other for the coin that the little girl had, which she initially wanted to make a wish with it. The competition keep on going until it causes the little girl to accidently let go of the coin and fall into the drain. Instead of crying, the little girl demanded a violin from one of the musician and started playing. At the beginning, the music came from the violin was terrible but after a few tuning from the girl it became great. The little girl started playing and soon she get a bag of coin from a passing pedestrian. She then move towards the fountain with the bag. She took out two gold coin to tempt the musician, but instead of giving it to them, she threw it on top of the fountain. In this short film, the irony part of it is when the little girl lost the gold coin and demanded the musician to repay her. She then take the violin and even play better than the two musician and earn a bag of gold coin which both of the musician fail to do. In the end, she ending up tempting the two musician with two gold coin that she threw it on top of the fountain, when they wanted to take the coin.

Here are some of the link that you can find out more of this short film:





:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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